Our Programme


In the Pre-Primary years we will follow a non-formal, flexible, yet structured and planned approach to learning that bears in mind the heterogeneity of the learner and learning styles. Our objective of early childhood education is to foster the child’s holistic development, build upon his/her fine motor skills and encourage sensorial growth. The emphasis is on exploring, knowing, understanding and forming their own ideas.

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BEST PRIMARY SCHOOL The Primary School is an exciting step for our young learners as it will provide them the foundation upon which their talents might grow. The curriculum drafted for the primary school combines creative and thematic learning units that build on the spirit of exploration and will encourage children to engage their imaginations. Through extensive project work and the thematic units, emphasis is placed on developing international mindedness and students will be given an awareness of the richness of diverse peoples’ history and culture The curriculum progresses from skills to experiential learning to building knowledge and will assist in developing children's competence in various skills - reading, writing, listening, speaking, problem-solving, observation, measurement and use of information and communications technology.

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As students approach adolescence, they reach their path to maturity and experience a growing sense of responsibility and independence. Our Middle School Programme is structured to meet the developmental and intellectual needs of these young adolescents. The school will work closely with parents to help students come to terms with all the joys and pains of these growing years. In the middle school, the curriculum includes annual projects; Dimensions of Learning (DOL) study techniques and programme to develop strong communication skills through debates, elocution, extempore speaking and drama (DEED).

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The ICSE (Indian Council for Secondary Education) Programme is offered by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations. The programme aims to empower children to become critical thinkers, who with strong academics and career readiness skills can take their learning beyond the school learning environment. It is built around the principles of application, experimentation, knowledge, understanding, and skill-sets. Students will explore English as the First Language, French or Hindi as the Second Language, and Mathematics, History, Civics and Geography, Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology), Environmental Science and Computer Studies as the core subjects.

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For More Details, Visit Our Complete Website- https://www.srisa.in/

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